It turns out it is not so difficult to take care of laptop when compared to treating the computer. But have you noticed that the laptop was more sensitive than the computer. Therefore, if it is not treated properly then your laptop will often deal with a handyman service and of course the cost was not small.Many people say, it's better to prevent than cure. So if you can take care of your laptop, why should you wait until it breaks first ? Well, for details please note the following tips :
1. Do not Put Heavy Objects on the Laptop
like this never happen on my laptop, and my friend who kebetuan expert
on this says it all happened because I often put heavy objects on top of
my laptop LCD.
2. Always Use Your Laptop Battery
Do not think that can charge the battery at the same time make laptop battery bulging.
This may happen on a laptop that was produced in 2005 down.
Using a laptop without a battery is risky. If only the electricity suddenly goes out in your home, then it will make your laptop went dead and can adversely impact the components of your laptop.Good when you're using power / DC, try to keep the laptop battery plugged. Later serve as a buffer battery power if there undesirable events such as power outages.
Using a laptop without a battery is risky. If only the electricity suddenly goes out in your home, then it will make your laptop went dead and can adversely impact the components of your laptop.Good when you're using power / DC, try to keep the laptop battery plugged. Later serve as a buffer battery power if there undesirable events such as power outages.
3. Keep Your Laptop Cleanliness
This sounds trivial, but it is a very good tips on caring for laptops. That accumulate dust, especially on the exhaust duct can cause damage if left continuously.Clean the keyboard with a cloth. Use
a glass cleaner that looks shiny keyboards, before we can clean between
the keyboard with a brush or vacuum cleaner portable.Keep your laptop there should be no dust at all, always wears every lap with a clean white cloth to be free of dust and germs. Wear protective screen protector and keypad also klo afford.Clean up your laptop regularly and periodically. Try to schedule cleaning once a week.
4. Use Cooling Pad If Room Temperature Too Hot
Put the laptop in place that allows the circulation of air in the bottom of the laptop works fine, my advice is always to use the fan for air circulation to stay awake and not fast laptop heat. Do not put the laptop in the fire, on a bed or sofa, this can quickly lead to heat and overhead laptop (with his own death because it is too hot) and if it is not in the notice, we will make the laptop easily damaged.
Room temperature and heat consumption in the long run can be bad for your laptop. Excessive heat can damage the components of your laptop.When
the temperature in your room is too hot and you still intend to use the
laptop in a long time, then I recommend you to use a cooling pad.Cooling pad consists of a small fan or no fan of the newfangled only 1. By using a Cooling pad will provide good air circulation for your laptop.
5. Do not Use Laptop on Top Mattress
In addition to mattresses, do not put your laptop on a soft fabric base when lit. By the time the laptop is on, the laptop continues to put out the heat from the inside out.Because mattresses and other soft material absorbs heat, not throwing heat. Every laptop needs a name space for air circulation. Then I suggest you to not use your laptop on a bed or other similar materials.
At the moment in a state of light, laptop components such as hard disk platters are spinning conditions. Why spin? because each of us read the files on our laptops then the disc continues to spin.If only we put the laptop in the side, it is not impossible if the head of the hard drive scratch disk. The effect of that is the emergence of a lot of bad sectors on the disk part up to the damage total.
7. Do Until Affected Liquids
8. Use the Screen Guard on Laptop Monitor.
9. Do not put the laptop in place containing an electromagnet.
Do not put your laptop near items containing magnetic fields, or strong electromagnetic waves. It can damage the laptop.
Do not put your laptop near items containing magnetic fields, or strong electromagnetic waves. It can damage the laptop.
10. Use a laptop with a reasonable course.
Do not make your laptop as a server that never dies, just like humans, the laptop also needs a rest.
Do not make your laptop as a server that never dies, just like humans, the laptop also needs a rest.
So, after you read this article would you care for your laptop as well as possible and follow some of the tips above ? It's up to you....
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